guidance is from Allah
What is right with Islam?

Seeking the Truth

Show us the way In a world full of different paths and opinions, finding the right path is a confusing venture and the most challenging life responsibility. We do not choose our parents, nor do […]

Islam eradicates racism
How does Islam effect human rights?

Eradicating racial bias

No superiority on the basis of race Islam does not sanction the superiority of one race over another. God has created different nations and races. His design encourages humanity to communicate with each other and […]

No compulsion in religion
How does Islam effect human rights?

Religious Pluralism in Islam

No coercion in religion Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) established a society in Madinah which was religiously diverse. Followers of different faiths practiced their religion freely and followed their own scriptures. As can be […]

Life is sacred in the Quran
How does Islam effect human rights?

The Sanctity of Life

Life is sacred Taking a human life is considered the ultimate violation of social norms since the beginning of human history. As can be seen in the Quran, the first killing happened when Cain killed […]

What are the basic beliefs and practices in Islam

The Purpose Of Worship In Islam

Seeking Allah’s Pleasure The Quran emphasizes that worshiping God is the primary purpose of human existence. The primary goal of worship in Islam is to draw near to God, establish and sustain a spiritual connection […]

why do we belive God.
The questions you might ask

Does God Exist?

The amazing universe Looking up at the night sky where two trillion galaxies and 700 sextillion stars reside, a little girl may ask, “How big is the sky? Where do the stars come from?” A […]

Allah is the most Merciful
The questions you might ask

Who is Allah?

God in Aramaic Who is Allah? While many are unaware of the historical usage and origin of the name “Allah,” the orientalists answer this question to underscore the otherness of this “eastern god” or “Arab […]