Did Jesus think of himself as God?
It is important to realize that God describes Himself as the One Supreme being in all His revealed scriptures sent to His prophets, Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah, and others (Peace be on all of them). All the prophets worshiped one God. If the concept of trinity defines God’s true nature, then it would have been mentioned with no ambiguity in all the revealed scriptures.
But that is not the case. Rather, God makes it clear that He is One and Unique. In the Bible, Jesus (Peace be on him) explains his own relationship with God with clarity and simplicity, leaving little room for interpretation. Consequently, the trinitarian concept of Jesus contradicts the perception of Jesus as described in the Bible, bringing to the question, who is Christian Jesus? https://qpeace.net/?p=1199
First commandment in the Bible: God is One

Did Jesus claim himself to be co-equal to God?
Jesus believed God is the Greater One, not as a coequal with himself. Jesus placed himself with the rest of humanity when he invokes God in the Bible: “the Lord our God” (Mark: 12: 29), and “my God and your God.” (John 20:17).

Jesus emphasized on keeping the commandments as the way to enter a virtuous life.

A man called Jesus ‘good’. He answered: “Why do you call me good?”

Jesus worshiped God and cried for His help
As an illustration of his belief in submission to One God, Jesus worshiped One God. He never said, “I am God; worship me.” Rather, He prayed to God and worshiped God. He wanted others not to pray to him but to pray to God.

Did Jesus claim to have Divine power?
Jesus believed that his own life depended on God, but he also clarified that he was unable to do anything by himself.

Whose will did Jesus want to fulfill ?
Not only Jesus (Peace be upon him) mentioned repeatedly that God was the One who sent him to the earth, he also clarified that his presence in the earth was to fulfill God’s plans, not to fulfill his own plans.

As an illustration of God’s authority over him, Jesus (Peace be upon him) verified that he received the commandments from God. He also clarified that the source of his knowledge was God. He does not have all the knowledge, but God does. According to the Bible, Only God knows everything (1 John 3:20).
“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only” (Matt. 24:26; cf. Mark 13:32)

Jesus was a servant and a prophet of God

- …”Your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed.” (Acts 4:27).
- When Jesus went to Jerusalem, people wondered who he was. “…And the multitude said, this is Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee..” Mathew 21: 10-11.
- Jesus was a servant of God (Matthew 12:18).
- ‘The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus.’ (Acts, 3:13).
- ‘God raised his servant’ (Acts 3:26).
The power was granted from God
Jesus’s disciples recognized him as a man with power that was granted to him by God

Jesus was limited in performing miracles.

1. One time, when Jesus tried to heal a blind man, the man was not healed after the first attempt, and Jesus had to try a second time (Mark 8:22-26).
Jesus prayed and submitted to one God. His God was the same as ours.

1. ‘During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.’ (Hebrews 5:7)
2. ‘I ascend to my Father and your Father, and my God and your God.’ (John 20:17)
Lesson to the Devil from Jesus: Worship God

Jesus met the devil. Devil offered Jesus all the glories of the world if he worshiped devil: “And Jesus answered him, it is written you shall worship the Lord your God, and He only shall you serve..” Matthew 4:8-4:10
Jesus’s last supplication: “God, God, have you forgotten me?”

When tortured in crucifixion, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, ” Aloi, Aloi Lema sabachthani” ‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?’ (Matt. 27:46)
2. ” And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit” Matthew 27:50
By all means, Jesus did not deify himself in these verses. Despite all his statements in the Bible, the trinitarian theologians defied his explanation of his own relationship with God. On the contrary, they allowed Paul to reinterpret who he was.

1. Surely, if trinity is the true nature of God, He would have mentioned trinity in bold letters with no ambiguity in all His Divine scriptures He sent. Indeed, He didn’t do that. Rather He made it clear that there is only One God and attested His Oneness most strictly in the Torah. God certainly did not misinform Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah, or Isaac in the Old Testament about the nature of His Oneness. It is important to realize that an all-knowing God, while presenting Himself to humanity, will confuse the basic numbers so badly, is an impossibility. https://qpeace.net/?p=1199
2. Why would God conceal the reality of Him being a part of three gods throughout the history of humanity to all the prophets in the old testament until Paul reinterpreted the nature of God?
4. Who is Christian Jesus? Jesus’s own words expressed in clarity as to who he was. Why would we believe other’s interpretations as to who he could be?
3. Was the concept of trinity a misleading idea assembled by the council of Nicea in 325AD, founded by a nonchristian Roman emperor Constantine with a political reason, and their approval of trinity against Jesus’s words of strict Oneness of God?
5. If one interprets trinity as the truth and Jesus is part of Godhead with three Gods, then one has to admit that there are serious contradictions in what the bible says about who Jesus was. To believe trinity, one has to disbelieve part of the Bible with Jesus’s clearest documented comments about his relationship with God. Trinity doctrine forces a believer to take refuge in linguistic acrobatics to smooth out the mathematical absurdity, scriptural contradictions, and confusing concept of God being three separate beings and, at the same time, being one. https://qpeace.net/?p=6145

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