While the orientalists blame the Quran for copying Biblical stories, Muslims maintain that the stories mentioned in the Quranic texts came from the same source, the same God, without the alteration and addition by faulty human transmission. Muslims believe the Quran was transmitted from God to prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as revelations. Consequently, Muslims believe that the Quran has reconciled the biblical stories in their original form. Not only that the scribes recorded the Quran in writing at the time of revelation, but the prophet and his disciples also memorized the Quran to prevent corruption of the message. So, did the Quran copy the Bible? Obviously, the Muslim answer is no, it did not need to.
True events of the past
The Quran tells us that God has sent messengers with the same basic message: submit to the will of One Creator and do good to the other creations. Abraham, Noah, Moses, David, Jesus and Muhammad (Peace be on all of them) were all the members of the club of God’s messengers. So, it is not surprising that the stories in the Quran are similar to those described in the Bible and in the Torah. Indeed, if they were not, that would be a challenge to the legitimacy of the Quran. Because, the basic premise in the Quran is that it did not invent a new religion, rather, God was sending Divine revelation to the humanity through it.
As an illustration to the Quranic claim, we can explore how the story of Adam and eve in the Quran is similar to the Biblical story of Adam and Eve, yet differs from them in a meaningful and crucial way. http://”https://qpeace.net/?p=878
The story of Adam and Eve in the Bible

Reasonable inferences

The story of Adam and Eve in the Quran

The lessons for mankind in Adam’s transient presence in heaven
As a matter of fact, Adam’s transient life in the heaven with the test and temptation he faced, his repentance for his violation of God’s command and finally forgiveness he was granted from God, all of these events constitute a microcosm of what human beings will experience in the life in the earth.

Allah knows the best
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