Did Jesus Claim Himself To Be God?

It is important to realize that the trinitarian theologians present the concept of trinity as a mysterious doctrine, based on quotes of Bible some of which are vague in meaning which can be understood and interpreted with various interpretations. While some verses which suggested Jesus’s divinity, were deleted as they were not found in the oldest available manuscripts of Bible, and considered to be a later additions, some other verses were interpreted out of context. Some others were the fruit of selective interpretation of allegorical uses of son, father, god, master and lord. The point often overlooked is of paramount importance: did Jesus claim himself to be God? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_New_Testament_verses_not_included_in_modern_English_translations

Example-1: “father is in me and I am in Him

John-10:30 “I and my father are one. John-10:37-If I do not do the works of my father, do not believe me. John-10:38– But if I do, though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and believe that the father is in me and I am in Him..”

A reading of John-10:30, 10:37 and 10:38 give an apparent idea of Jesus and God being single entity, supporting claim of Jesus’s divinity, unless someone reads John 17:20-21 that gives further clarification of the nature of oneness.

John-17:20- Neither I pray for them alone, but also for them who shall believe on me through their words. John-17: 21- That they all may be one; as you, father, is in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us….”

Oneness in purpose vs physical oneness

In fact these verses illustrate the idea of oneness as the oneness in purpose between God Jesus and all humans. In this case, the interpretation of oneness as a physical one is not intended. This is because, the interpretation of oneness as a physical one will make God, Jesus and everyone else in the same fold of divinity (John-17: 21) and make them all gods, which is an absurdity. Here Jesus (peace be upon him) is praying for all humankind so that all can be a part of that oneness of purpose with God, which already existed between him and God.

Example-2: Jesus as “Lord/Master”

‘God has made this Jesus both Lord and Christ.’ (Acts 2:36)

It is important to realize that the word “lord” is used in the Bible for someone with certain authority. The following are some examples of who could be a lord according to the Bible.

1)   Property owner of vineyard (Matt. 20:8)                                                          2)   Heads of households (Mark 13:35)
3)   Slave owners (Matt. 10:24)
4)   Husbands (1 Pet. 3:6)
5)   The Roman Emperor was called Lord (Acts 25:26). slide 43

Example-3: How many sons does God have in the Bible?

In the Bible, the word “son” has been used as a metaphorical equivalent to someone who is close and beloved by God. There are more than one sons, bigoted sons, and first born sons mentioned in the Bible.

1) Adam is son of God: Luke 3:38.                                                                           2) Humans are sons of God: Genesis 6:2&4                                                           3) David was the begotten son of God: Psalms 2:7                                             4) Ephraim is God's firstborn son: Jeremiah 31:9                                              5) Israel is God's first born son: Exodus 4:22.                                                      6) Whoever is led by God's spirit are sons of God: Romans 8:14 slide 41

None of these individuals mentioned in these verses as “son of God” were seen by the believers as Divine. In other words, the expression “Son of God” has been used in the Bible as a figure of speech for humans being a creation of God and God being the Creator.

The only exception

The only exception of this rule was made for Jesus. He has been presented by the Christian theologians as a Divine entity, as God Himself. This is the core of trinity. Jesus is the Son of God and at the same time he is the father, and He is God Himself.


Who is Christian Jesus? Jesus’s own words expressed in clarity as to who he was, Why would we believe other's interpretations as to who he could be?

1. Surely, if trinity is the true nature of God, He would have mentioned of trinity in bold letters with no ambiguity in all His Divine scriptures He sent. Indeed, He didn’t do that. Rather He made it clear that there is only One God and attested His Oneness in the strictest way in the Torah. God certainly did not misinform Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah, or Isaac in Old Testament about nature of His Oneness. It is important to realize that an all knowing God, while presenting Himself to the humanity, will confuse the basic numbers so badly, is an impossibility. https://qpeace.net/?p=1199

2. Why would God conceal the reality of Him being a part of three gods throughout the history of humanity, to all the prophets in the old testament until Paul reinterpreted the nature of God?

4. Who is Christian Jesus? Jesus’s own words expressed in clarity as to who he was. Why would we believe other’s interpretations as to who he could be?

3. Was the concept of trinity a mislead idea assembled by the council of Nicea in 325AD, which was founded by a non christian Roman emperor Constantine with a political reason, and their approval of trinity against Jesus’s words?

5. If one interprets trinity as the truth and Jesus is part of Godhead with three Gods, then one has to admit with that there are serious contradictions in what the bible says about who Jesus was. To believe trinity, one has to disbelieve part of Bible with Jesus’s clearest documented comments about his relationship with God. Trinity doctrine forces a believer to take refuge to linguistic acrobatics to smooth out the mathematical absurdity, scriptural contradictions and confusing concept of God being three separate beings and at the same time being one. https://qpeace.net/?p=1004

Who is Christian Jesus? Jesus’s own words expressed in clarity as to who he was, Why would we believe other's interpretations as to who he could be?

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