The amazing universe
Looking up at the night sky where two trillion galaxies and 700 sextillion stars reside, a little girl may ask, “How big is the sky? Where do the stars come from?” A ninety some years old wise man with dull eyes and dwindling memory may still be wondering, “what are the meaning of my life and the universe I am part of?” Trying to find the answers to these fundamental questions shape our beliefs and views about life and the world. That brings the most compelling question of the universe: Does God exist? Why do we believe in a higher power? Humans over the civilizations tried to answer these questions to find the meaning of their life and existence. https://www.space.com/25303-how-many-galaxies-are-in-the-universe.html
Is life a meaningless dream?
Our upbringing acts as the gravitational lens that sways our conclusion to the meaning of life, death, and our spiritual feelings. Some people sleepwalk through life’s journey and believe that life and its organic qualities are just a meaningless dream. So they convince themselves that the end of the dream will be the end of their existence. They consider that life is a product of chance, without a planner, without a plan, just shrouded with nothingness. Consequently, their belief in nothingness places trillions of galaxies that exist in the same box of meaninglessness. The well-planned universe and it’s governing laws are seen by them just as a matter of an unwitting accident. To a reasoning believer, the idea that unwitting accidents have developed the laws of nature itself is a pure stretch of belief, a numbing, blinding, and unreasonable one.
Limitation of Intelligence
As intelligent human beings, we are aware of the limitations of our intellectual ability. We don’t understand dark energy or dark matters. Yet, we conclude to believe them based on our scientific observation. Our intelligence helps us to make the distinction between blind faith and belief with reasoning. Choosing options based on a reasoned view is an essential mechanism of human living. Feeling intellectually savvy and “scientific” by not believing in a creator is self-deceiving. The disbelief in God itself is a belief, not proof.
What did start the ball rolling?
We are, and the universe is, in existence. We did not create the galaxies, the dark matters, or the dark-energies. The laws of nature are not our innovations. Someone must have started the ball rolling for the existence of mass, the origin of energy, and the development of the laws which govern those entities. Someone must have encoded the messages in our DNA, gave the electron, proton, neutron, positron their characteristics, which they follow with precision. If we use our reasoning, we can see the logic behind why we believe in a higher power: to explain the world and the rules in our existence using our capacity to reason.
No vision can comprehend Him, but He comprehends all visions
No human being can have a real visual or mental image of God. The material phenomena which make something observable to us are God’s creation, and God is beyond any created phenomena. He is beyond our ability to visualize (Quran 42:11). In the earthly dimensions, we experience the Divine presence through His attributes embedded within His creation. Time and space are among His creations. He created the concepts of a beginning and end of time and space. So, His existence is beyond these created concepts of the beginning and the end. He knows all the past, present, and future events in the same instance. His Power is all-enveloping. He was always there, and He will always Be. https://qpeace.net/?p=862

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