A way of life
Islam means voluntary submission to One Creator. This also means peace. To Muslims, this is a way of life that brings about peaceful submission to the Divine Will to earn God’s pleasure. Believing in all the basic tenets of Islam is the first step to revert to Islam. When someone submits to the Will of God, he is a Muslim, which means the one who submits. Muslims believe that all the prophets submitted to God’s Will and were Muslims. https://qpeace.net/?p=56
Humans are God’s ambassadors
The Quran tells us that human beings are created as God’s ambassador on the earth. God gave humanity intelligence, free will, inbuilt intuition towards goodness (Fitrah), and Divine guidance in the form of revelation. Those who use all these tools to fulfill their role as God’s envoy on the earth are known as Mumin, a faithful Muslim.
This is our earth, and we are God’s envoys..

Status comes with responsibilities
The status of God’s envoy on the earth is a highly respected one. This status comes with responsibilities. These responsibilities are elaborated in the Quran and the reveled books sent to the prophets in the past. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the last prophet, and the Quran is the last Divinely revealed book, the final testament.
Belief in One God
Among Islam’s basic beliefs, the most fundamental tenet is the belief in One Omnipotent God. Allah, God in Arabic, is One, and there is none comparable or equal to Him. The name Allah is not unique in the Quran. In the Arabic Bible and the Torah, Allah is used as the One Omnipotent God’s name. Millions of Arab Christians and Jews use Allah as the name for God.
Belief in God’s messengers
The basic beliefs in Islam include believing in the prophets and the messengers sent by Allah throughout the time to guide human beings. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (Peace and blessing to all of them) are some of the prophets and messengers mentioned in the Quran. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was the final messenger in this prophetic chain.

Belief in the Divine revelations
God sent revelations to guide human beings with these core themes: submission to One God, believing in the accountability to Him in the Day of Judgment and doing good to others. This thematic unity of all the revelations points to the reality of one true religion from One God. Previous revelations have changed over time due to human errors of recording and differing interpretations from the successive generations of followers. The Torah to Moses, the Gospels (the Injil) to Jesus, and the Quran to Muhammad (Peace be on them all) are all revelations from God.
“How did one religion of God become many? Please follow this link for more on this: https://qpeace.net/?p=937
Belief in angels
Believing in the angels are among the basic beliefs in Islam. Angels are creations made by Allah from light (Noor) and are not visible in our dimension. They do not have free will as humans do. They carry out their responsibilities as commanded by Allah. The Archangel Gabriel was responsible for delivering the revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Belief in the Day of Judgement
As can be seen in the Quran, death does not bring the end of our existence. Believing in a life after death is one of the fundamental beliefs in Islam. Allah has created us for a limited time on this earth, but our life will be eternal after death. We will be accountable to Allah for fulfilling our purpose on the earth. Once death separates the body from the soul, the body disintegrates, and the soul continues its journey. The soul enters a temporary interim period in the grave when the righteous souls rest comfortably, and the unjust souls get some taste of their evil deeds. On the Day of Judgement, our souls will once again unite with our physical body. On this day of reckoning, Allah will judge us for our beliefs and our actions. We will receive reward or punishment according to our deeds.
“How does the Quran view the soul, death, and eternal life after death? Please read more on this: https://qpeace.net/?p=1716
Belief in the qadr
God is beyond the dimension of finite time and space as we know it. He knows everything about the past, present, and future in the same instance. Nothing happens against His will and knowledge. Allah gives us both good and bad events in our lives, as tests from Him. Our test is how we respond to the challenges. To face the challenges, Allah has allowed us the freedom to choose and gifted us with our intelligence. He also provided us with Divine guidance in the form of the revealed books. Though Allah knows the test’s outcome, we become our own witnesses in doing good and bad in this life. The line between human free will and the Divine decree is beyond human comprehension. Muslims believe that Allah is the All-Knowing. So, the result of all our decisions is within Allah’s full knowledge.
Islam, the second-largest religion
Islam is the world’s second-largest religion. It has over 1.9 billion followers making around 24.4% of the world’s population[4]. Muslims, the followers of Islam, make up a majority of the population in 50 countries.[6] Source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam

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