God is not a point of discussion in science
The relationship between science and the existence of God has been a matter of debate. Why do energy, matter, dimensions, time, and space exist? Is it not an absolute absence of everything is a more likely state? This is not a question science is equipped to address. Science is a body of human information that evolved from the observable and quantifiable aspects of nature. Science does not have a mechanism either to verify or nullify the concept of a Creator. Therefore the concept of God can not be a point of discussion for science.
Can Science and the existence of God be reconciled?
A scientist can dispute the presence of a Creator because of his personal belief and preference. His disbelieve is not dependent on available data that disproves the presence of God. A scientist who believes in God may do so because he observes how a precise set of physical laws runs nature. The magnificence of a tangible world gives him the reason to believe in a Magnificent planner who does not need to be tangible in our familiar dimensions of this universe. https://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/11/science/can-science-prove-the-existence-of-god.html
The concept of God relates to our reasoning.
God exists in the reasoning of the human mind. His infinite Being is beyond the scientific measuring tools. He exhibits His attributes in the infinite beauty of nature and the balanced design of the universe. Encrypted in DNA, God recorded His instructions for each cell of our body. As we know, our organs will not work with their accuracy if there is a slight variation in that DNA coding mechanism. Uniquely designed Rods and Cones inside our eyes make our colorful world visible. The Optic nerves from the back of our eyes communicate with the part of our brain that rests in complete darkness, make us see a glimpse of light. Billions of automated myocardial cells in our heart muscle work in harmony to produce one single heartbeat. These are the facts, and the list of similar facts can continue. https://qpeace.net/?p=7817
God is Near
In our earthly dimensions, we can only experience the Divine’s presence through His works and creations. Our Creator is nearer to us than our Jugular vein, and His merciful presence is everywhere. Yet, He is the most subtle.
“Quran 50:16, “And indeed We have created man, and We know whatever thoughts his inner self develops, and We are closer to him than (his) jugular vein.”
God is not Observable with human tools
God is beyond our vision and beyond our ability to make a mental image in our created minds. Our created mind is unable to discern a mental image of God. So, Any figurative or imaginary replica of God will not be true to His being. Yet, believing that He exists is as real for a believer as believing in his own existence. https://qpeace.net/?p=892

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